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“All of Our Children – The Link Between Health and Education.”  Jeff McMullen keynote to Inaugural Annual Seminar of the Healthpact Research Centre for Health promotion and well being. University of Canberra. Australia. December 1st 2006.

“The Journey from Gondwana.- The Value of Indigenous Knowledge and Education.”
Jeff McMullen address to the Higher Education Advisory Council.Perth. Western Australia. September 18th 2006.



“The Health of Our Children.” Jeff McMullen delivers the Lambie Dew Oration on the Aboriginal health crisis in Australia. Sydney University Great Hall. September 9th 2004.

“First Nation Building.”  Address on ideas to improve Aboriginal health, education, housing, employment and opportunity. Queensland University of Technology, Centre of Philanthropy and Non-Profit Studies Alumni Anniversary Dinner. Hilton Hotel Brisbane. November 26th 2004.



“War and Peace.” Jeff McMullen explores some common sense steps towards easing conflict and creating the foundations for peace. Address to the Sydney Peace Foundation. Customs House. Circular Quay. Sydney. Australia. June 26th 2002.

“Shattering the Matrix.” Jeff McMullen discusses attempts by journalists to establish the truth behind violent world events and explores the deeper underlying patterns producing conflict. Lecture at Central Queensland University. Rockhampton. Queensland. April 11th 2002.



“September 11.”  Jeff McMullen address on the search for truth and trying to understand the Big Picture behind world events. Murdoch University. Perth. Western Australia. December 6th 2001.

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